¥21,109原題:Egmont/Ludwig van Beethoven(Mark Hindsley)
¥25,652原題:Macarena for Trumpet and Concert Band/Bernardo Bautista Monterde(Naohiro Iwai)
¥1,914原題:Parable for Solo Horn, Op. 120(Parable VIII)/Vincent Persichetti
¥6,347原題:Pomp And Circumstance/Edward Elgar (Philip Jones&Paul Harvey)
¥5,181原題:Theme and Variations (Piano Reduction)/Alexander Arutiunian
¥12,188原題:A Crazy, Mixed-Up Christmas Concert/(David Shaffer)
¥6,347原題:Pulcinella Suite/Igor Strawinsky(Daniel-Ben Pienaar)
¥12,793原題:The Sounds of Spring Concert March/Naoya Wada, Shizuka Sato
¥14,542原題:Sumus Futuro ("We Are The Future") A Festival Intrada For Winds/Alfred Reed
¥3,861原題:2 Pieces, No.2: Allegretto/Philippe Gaubert
¥2,530原題:Ragtime Suite/Arthur Frackenpohl(Tom Turpin)
¥16,709原題:Millennium Bridge from New London Pictures/Nigel Hess
¥13,090原題:March of the Guards from "Fidelio"(Flex Band)/Ludwig van Beethoven(Andrew Glover)