¥5,280原題: Reflex: 15 Studies for the Intermediate Multi-Percussionist / Brett Dietz
¥5,621原題:Christmas Carols, Volume 1/Traditionals(Harry Richards)
¥10,878原題:Themes from Symphony No. 5/Franz Schubert(Stuart Johnson)
¥10,648原題: Symphony No. IV Bookmarks from Japan V. Evening Snow at Kambara "Light is the Touch" / Julie Giroux
¥5,203原題:Passepied & Largo/Georg Philipp Telemann/Johann Joachim Quantz(Harry Stalpers)
¥16,896原題: Journey of Exploration / Yo Goto →目標に向かい困難を乗り越える旅を描写。ゆっくりとした旋律から始まり、徐々に旅の道筋が浮かび上がる。
¥6,754原題: Morning Clouds / Jens Schliecker(Nils Rohwer)
¥5,401原題: Entry Of The Queen Of Sheba / Georg Friedrich Handel(Johan van der Linden)
¥3,619原題:Minuet in F/Johann Sebastian Bach(David Farnon)
¥42,240原題:Beyond the Chorale/David R. Gillingham, Dennis W. Fisher →「基礎合奏」と「実際の曲への取り組み」の「架け橋」となる10の小品を収録した曲集。
¥1,254原題: A Song of Coming Awake for solo Flute / David Maslanka
¥13,541原題: Hollywood Milestones / -(John Higgins) →ジョーズ、E.T.、ジュラシック・パーク...などハリウッド映画の名作たちをメドレーに!
¥5,192原題: Four Little Pieces By Old Masters / Melchior Franck, Samuel Scheidt, Henry Purcell, Philipp Heinrich Erlebach(Hans M. Scheifes)
¥26,136原題:Symphony No. 3 ("Slavyanskaya")/Boris Tikhonovich Kozhevnikov(John R. Bourgeois)