演奏時間:6分30秒 (約)
主なソロパート: Oboe (or Flute)
Trp.最高音:1st:F / 2nd:Des / 3rd:C
1st & 2nd Oboes
1st & 2nd Bassoons
1st B♭ Clarinet (div.)
2nd B♭ Clarinet
3rd B♭ Clarinet
Bass Clarinet
Contrabass Clarinet
1st & 2nd Alto Saxophones
Tenor Saxophone
Baritone Saxophone
2nd & 3rd Trumpets
1st & 2nd Horns in F
1st & 2nd Trombones
3rd Trombone
Tuba (div.)
String Bass
1st Mallet
Bass Drum
Crash Cymbals
Mark Tree
Bass Drum
♪ジェームズ・バーンズからのコメント (日本語訳あり)
On 11 March 2011, I was in Temecula, California, conducting the premiere of one of my pieces. I returned to my hotel after the concert about 9:00 p.m. California time. I turned on CNN to watch the news. Instead of their normal programming, CNN was broadcasting directly from Japanese television. A helicopter was covering the approaching tsunami in live time. I sat stunned, witnessing the huge tsunami as it came into the Japanese coast. The huge waves jumped right over the sea wall, then rampaged through houses and larger buildings.
It is one thing to read about a tragedy or to see footage of the aftermath of such an event; it is an entirely different thing to actually witness something as horrifying as a tsunami when it is actually happening. Having been to Japan over thirty-five times in my career, I know how well Japan prepares for earthquakes and tsunamis. But this time it was completely different: these waves were so huge that they consumed everything in their path. I watched the television coverage with tears in my eyes. It was so sad to see such a tragic event happen to one of my favorite places in the world.
But when nature takes over, human beings have no control.
When composing A Prayer for Higashi Nihon, I made no attempt to describe this disaster; that would have been in poor taste. Besides, it would have been impossible to portray such a horrible thing. I decided instead to compose a threnody, a solemn prayer, for all the victims of this horrible event, many whom were never found. Even then, I could not help but remember how horrified I was while watching those waves. It is something I shall never forget.
まるで映画を観ているか、悲劇的な戯曲を読んでいるかのようでしたが、津波によって現実に引き起こされている恐ろしいこの出来事はそれとは全く異なるものでした。私は過去に35回以上も日本を訪れていますので、日本の方々が地震や津波に対して備えていたこともよく存じ上げています。しかしこの時はまるで違う、日本人が過去に体験したことの無い大きさの津波でした。 私は目に涙を浮かべながら、この報道を見ていました。この悲劇的な出来事が、世界の中で最も好きな場所の一つである日本に起きるのは、とても悲しいことでした。