¥7,986原題:Concerto for Euphonium/Amilcare Ponchielli(Max Sommerhalder)
¥9,966原題:Concerto For Clarinet And Chamber Orchestra/Eugene Bozza
¥7,029原題:Four Inventions for Percussion and Piano/Michel Cals
¥9,537原題:French Music for Clarinet and Piano/Eugene Bozza, Andre Messager, Raymond Gallois-Montbrun, Henri Rabaud, Maurice Ravel, Charles-Marie Widor(Todd Levy)
¥2,288原題:Allegro Appassionato Opus 43/Camille Saint-Saens(Stuart Sankey)
¥3,630原題:Fantaisie sur Rigoletto de Verdi op. 19/Paul-Agricole Genin
¥2,519原題:Two Sonatas For French Horn/Luigi Cherubini(Barry Tuckwell)
¥6,171原題:Londonderry Air/John Iveson(Philip Jones&Elgar Howarth)
¥3,135原題:Dream of the Cherry Blossoms/Keiko Abe(Siegfried Fink )